
Okay, so I am trying to stay in the habit of blogging fairly often, even if I don’t have a specific thing to blog about every single time. Today is one of those days.

I have kind of had a pretty random day. I read a little bit more of my book today; I am currently reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It is a pretty great book, and I am very interested in the subject matter, but the language is pretty steep. I have not seen the movie yet, but I have heard that it is very good. I will probably check it out when I finish the book. I always prefer the book to the movie, but I enjoy watching movies as well. A while back, I finished what is probably my favorite book series of all time, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I was very impressed and was very surprised by how much I really go into those books. I am pretty excited that they are coming out with the first movie in March as well, even though I assume it will be pretty graphic so I may wait until I read some reviews before seeing it.

This brings me to something I pointed out to Travis today. I don’t remember there ever being a time in our marriage where we every really watched rated R movies. In fact, we made a commitment shortly after we were married that that would not be something we did. Basically, unless it was the Passion of the Christ, we don’t watch rated R movies. Well, today, I realized it has been so long since we have even watched a PG-13 movie. I love that instead of getting desensitized during this time when the world is glorifying sin more and more, I feel like we have become even more sensitive and I thank God for it everyday.

This year has been probably been one of the toughest times in my life from every aspect. There has not been a part of my world that has not been challenged this year. I actually have grown to appreciate it because it has taught me more about myself and what I am actually made of, and, to be honest, I am made of a lot better than I thought I was. I don’t mean this to sound boastful or to lift myself up. I mean it to give all glory to God and what He has done inside of me over the last few years to prepare me for what He knew was coming. I don’t WANT to go through hard times, but I WANT to be able to go through hard times filled with grace and mercy in my heart instead of bitterness, unforgiveness, and hatred.

Well, I think that is enough random revelations for one night. I know this is scattered, but for those of you that know you, you’d think you were used to it by now. I know hardly anybody reads this anyways, but it is great to by able to sort out a small portion of my thoughts to unwind for the night. : )